The Team

Meet the 1on1Boss team

🎨 Design

Website home page

Dennis is a Google certified UX designer who is a master at designing modern, performance optimised websites and landing pages. We have worked with Dennis on a few projects now, so where to go was a no brainer when we wanted the initial landline page designed for 1on1Boss.

App designer

Chris is an extremely talented designer (and web expert to boot) who has done work for Apple, Google and the UK Government. We asked Chris to design the app interface that you're experiencing today when you use 1on1Boss. Chris took our concepts, wireframes, feature descriptions and converted this in to an even slicker experience than we could have ever imaged.

🧑‍💻 Tech

App Developer

Shawn is a Software Engineer passionate about building interactive, responsive web apps with the latest versions of ReactJS, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS and many other tools in the MERN stack ecosystem. After selecting a MERN stack as our preferred approach and getting Shawn to help us on the first iteration of 1on1Boss, we couldn’t be happier.



Owen is an experienced startup operator who, amongst many things, is passionate about 1:1s, remote first, culture and productivity. He has run web based software business’ for over a decade and is always keen to meet other intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs.

Work with us

We are location agnostic, remote first and equal opportunity workplace. If you’re talented and passionate about what you do, we want to meet you!