What should be discussed in a 1 on 1 meeting?

1on1 Boss Resources

One on one meetings are great ways for managers to stay in touch with their direct reports. They provide a dedicated space to discuss work related matters in a that’s less stressful than performance reviews.

It’s always great to start a one on one meeting with a personal check-in. You may inquire about your colleague's well-being, and gauging their openness over time you may also ask about their family and any recent activities they have enjoyed outside of work. This personal touch demonstrates care and empathy, nurturing a positive connection that’s not purely about work.

After the personal check-in, shift the focus to work matters. If you have a regular cadence for your 1-on-1 meetings, consider compiling questions throughout the week and taking a moment to organise them in order of importance before the meeting. This allows you to address the most critical topics first.

To prioritise your discussion topics, there’s many frame works you can follow, but here’s a simple guide to start you off:

  • Blockers: Start by address any obstacles preventing you from completing your current work tasks.

  • Level Up: Review your current work and ask for ideas on how you can really excel. Experienced managers can offer valuable insights, new approaches, and ideas to help you excel.

  • Big Picture: Reflect on how your current work aligns with the larger goals of the organisation or your career. Ask your manager to evaluate if you are on track and discuss any adjustments or strategic considerations.

Whilst all work related topics are on the table for a 1:1 meeting be mindful of your manager's time by being selective, and capping the discussion topics accordingly. By addressing the most important matters first, you can ensure that low-impact topics can be postponed to future meetings. Additionally, consider reaching out to other colleagues or other departments who may be able provide answers or insights, without you needing to bother a manager.

One on one meetings are an invaluable opportunity to connect with your colleagues and keep work related matters on track. By incorporating personal check-ins, prioritising topics effectively, and being mindful of each others time, these meetings can contribute to efficient employees and a satisfying work environment for all involved in the organisation.