Sick of chaotic 1:1 meetings?

Get organised, start running simple and consistent 1:1 meetings across your organisation. FREE, no credit card required.

Get organised

How do you track discussion points for your 1:1 meetings? Email yourself, paper notes, in your head… Or, all of the above. Fix this now, you and your ideas, your colleagues, all in one place. Ready to go

1on1Boss is easy for your whole team

1on1Boss is a simple app that makes taking ideas, running meetings and tracking outcomes a breeze. It works the same for everyone that uses it, so every one in your team will be on the same page. Web, mobile, table and desktop - it’s consistent across all your devices too... Your team will love running 1:1s again, and you’ll be the hero 🦸 that implemented it

Want to know more?
A detailed summary of exactly how 1on1Boss works, including screenshots.

Plans and Pricing

Ready to try 1on1Boss?

Free forever

Suitable for everyone, all of the features

  • Unlimited meetings

  • All devices

  • No per user fees



What’s the catch?

We have just launched 1on1boss. Our first version is offered on our free forever plan, no catches and no credit card required. We know the benefits of running 1:1 meetings in any business but all too often they are chaotic and frustrating. We want you to experience the benefits of a streamlined, consistent and flexible company wide platform today - with no catches.

What’s next

In future versions we are going to add productivity solutions like AI integrations and develop a full suite of integrations (Slack, Asana, Todoist, …). Early adopters will be invited to access these features on their free plan so get on board today to take full advantage.

  • 1on1Boss is a modern & responsive web app so will work on all major devices - iPhone, Android, tablets and desktops.

  • On our free plan you can trial 1on1Boss with your colleagues today - no commitment required.

  • Not on our free plan 😊 👍

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